


Black History Month was created to focus on the contributions of Africans and Caribbeans to the UK.

黑人历史月(BHM)是为了纪念黑人男女对英国社会做出的重大贡献. For far too long, Black history has been ignored, devalued, and misrepresented in the UK and beyond. 这个为期一个月的庆祝活动向那些塑造并将继续塑造九五至尊5老品牌社会的事件和人物致敬.

We have a diverse workforce of over 350 people at LondonEnergy. As a result, it is essential to celebrate and educate ourselves about various cultures. We want our people to understand the history, 成就, and problems that specific groups of people have faced.

To celebrate BHM, we put a spotlight on some of our colleagues to find out what BHM means to them.



I oversee the IT department at LondonEnergy across seven sites in North London, 引领数字化转型, 信息安全 & 隐私管理、IT治理、IT预算 & Supplier Management, IT Projects and Programme Management. 我是高级领导团队的一员, providing day-to-day leadership for the company, 监督工作环境,支持公司战略和目标的有效实现. 我负责执行, executing and managing the technology strategy, 确保商业成功, 安全, 生产力和连续性. 


对我来说,黑人历史月意味着承认和庆祝九五至尊5老品牌之前的杰出人物所取得的成就,以及九五至尊5老品牌当中的那些人仍在做的事情. 这是一个真正的反思时刻,看看九五至尊5老品牌已经从公开的歧视和压迫走了多远,来到了一个可以而且会变得更好的更美好的世界. 


奥巴马成为了美国第一位黑人总统——世界第一公民. This makes me believe that 'yes, we can indeed.  

What advice do you give people looking to start their careers or become leaders today? 

Do not despise the days of little beginnings, and be dynamic. Opportunities now abound but require hard work and smart and timely decision-making. 


我的技能和经验所积累的知识将成为一份遗产,后代将为之庆祝和谈论, 尤其是九五至尊5老品牌九五至尊老品牌i能源公司为创造一个更绿色、更清洁的地球所做的贡献.  


"The time is always right to do what is right.——马丁·路德·金. 

Kathy-Ann Pearce, Head of Legal, 商业, Procurement & 公司秘书


I am currently the Head of Legal, 商业, Procurement and Company Secretariat. What this means is that my team and I deal with all LEL matters in relation to Legal, 治理, Risk and Compliance to ensure that LEL as a company operates in a legally compliant manner.


While it is important to have a focus on Black History at all time, 有一个月的时间,让人们更加关注黑人社区所做出的巨大贡献,并提高人们的认识,这真的很重要.


有很多,但我想如果我必须挑出一个,那就是废除跨大西洋奴隶贸易, 它指明了我未来的方向, 在它目前的轨迹上.

What advice do you have for people looking to start their careers or become leaders today?

Never set your bar too low, as the sky is the limit with hard work and determination. Their will be a lot of ceilings that you will be told you can never breach, but never take no for an answer – be resilient.




Easy, it is taken from a poem by Maya Angelou ‘Still I Rise’ – ‘Does my sassiness upset you? 你为什么愁眉不展? Just 'cause I walk like I've got oil wells pumping in my living room. Just like moons and like suns with the certainty of tides, 就像希望高涨, 我仍然站起来.’







黑豹党, 正式名称为黑豹自卫党是一个由奥克兰黑人大学生成立的组织, 1966年的加州.该党为在学校教授黑人历史而奋斗,并树立了黑人实现和努力实现未来目标的坚定决心.






I work in the IT Department as an IT Infrastructure Engineer. 我负责支持团队,并与IT主管和项目经理一起制定部门的整体战略.


A chance to take pride in and celebrate the diversity of black cultures across the world.

What is a moment in Black history that influenced or shaped your career/life or that particularly?

我深受塔尔萨人民的鼓舞, 他在20世纪初创建了一个繁荣的地区,由黑人拥有企业,后来被称为黑人华尔街.


The opportunity to grow from successes and failures.


A quote that I used to see on the wall at my aunt’s house: ‘Stumbling is not falling!——马尔科姆·艾克斯.




My role at LondonEnergy is a Mechanical Maintenance Apprentice. I learn and work alongside my team to ensure that the plant is running well and in safe conditions.


黑人历史月意味着了解九五至尊5老品牌过去的重要性,以及为什么九五至尊5老品牌的祖先会做他们能做的事情. It's a reminder to carry that history with me and make sure that it doesn't get repeated. As well as standing up in what I believe in even if others don't believe in it themselves.


鲁比·布里奇斯(Ruby Bridges)的勇敢鼓舞了我,她是20世纪60年代美国第一个进入白人学校的黑人孩子. 通过勇气和决心, she was able to get her New Orleans Elementary school desegregated.

What advice do you have for people looking to start their careers or become leaders today?

For those who want to start a career but are afraid, just get out there and do it because at the very least you will know that you tried.


Having such a supportive team and knowing I'll enjoy my time at work.


My favourite quote is "if you can't change the situation you are in, change how you respond to it."

Oyin,法律研究生实习生 & 商业


As the Legal and 商业 Graduate Trainee I work in LEL’s Legal Department; this involves reading and reviewing contracts, drafting contractual documents and deeds of variation, and helping pick out key contractual clauses when faced with a query or dispute.

我的职责还涉及保险事宜,包括处理针对LEL的人身伤害/财产损失索赔. 我收集证据以捍卫索赔,并与九五至尊5老品牌的保险公司和损失理算师密切合作,以确保LEL的最佳结果.


Black History Month means many different things to me. 黑人历史月有助于提供一个平台,让非洲或加勒比背景的人在不同的空间看到与自己相似的人, 角色和界别.

就像其他传统庆祝月一样, Black History Month also presents the opportunity to share, 告知和教育人们黑人历史. In the past, BHM primarily focused on Black struggle (notably slavery, racism etc.) and Black American History; both of which have their place in Black History, but Black history is not only struggle and it is not just American. 黑人历史月让九五至尊5老品牌的社会有机会学习和提高对黑人成就的认识, 不仅仅是在像体育这样的热门领域, 政治, and 音乐 but also in more niche industries like technology, 微生物学, 神经科学, 或时尚.

Black History Month is also a celebration of the many rich cultures from across Africa, 加勒比海和南美洲. 对我来说, 庆祝和分享我的尼日利亚传统, 食物, 音乐, fashion and culture with people creates a great sense of pride.


黑人历史上影响我职业生涯的一个时刻是,2018年,奥利维特·奥特勒(Olivette Otele)被任命为英国第一位黑人女历史教授. 我一直很喜欢历史, 我在普通中等教育证书上做过, A-Level and as my undergraduate degree; but across my studies from GCSE to BA I didn’t see anyone in a senior academic position in the History department that looked like me. 作为一个20岁的大学生, 奥利维特给了我希望,在学术界和其他黑人女性通常没有代表的社会领域,黑人女性有一个空间.


我有动力努力工作,这样我就可以进入缺乏多样性和代表性的空间, make it less daunting for people who look like me to enter these spaces.


“The secret to life is to have no fear” – Fela Kuti